Studio Code of Conduct

·       All dancers are expected to attend classes weekly.

·       All dancers will attend every class, participate to the best of their ability, and put forth 100% effort, energy, and enthusiasm.

·       All dancers are expected to be punctual. Warm-up is conducted at the start of every class and it is imperative that all dancers participate in warm-up to ensure that their body is ready for physical activity. If a dancer misses warm-up, it could lead to an unnecessary injury, so please make every effort to arrive on time.

·       All dancers must adhere to the dress code. This includes hair, shoes, and attire.

·       All dancers are expected to demonstrate respect for all instructors, assistants, staff members, and fellow students.

·       All dancers are expected to focus and pay attention to the dance teacher's instructions and therefore limit the amount of talking during class time.

·       All dancers will be friendly, warm, and welcoming to the other dancers at the studio and in their classes. We encourage dancers to establish new friendships with their peers in their classes, and we enforce teamwork and fairness.

·       All dancers observing a class while it is in progress, whether out of interest or due to sickness or injury, are expected to be quiet and courteous to the dancers, dance teachers, and assistants.

·       All dancers must treat the studios, the premises, and the possessions of all other dancers with respect, care, and consideration.

·       All dancers are expected to clean up after themselves and any mess that they create while at the studio.

·       All dancers will neatly store their belongings and will respect the belongings of others.

·       No drinks, food or gum allowed in the studios or waiting rooms. Water bottles are permitted.

·       Parents — please do not try to talk to our teachers during class time. If you need to talk with an instructor, please call the studio to set up a time or send an email.

·       It is important to us to maintain a clean and welcoming environment for everyone who visits our studio and we ask that you help us with this. Dancers who are sick should not attend in-person classes.